May 28, 2021
May 28, 2021
What’s New:
- Since SN is now collecting the worker’s Legal Name and Name during worker onboarding, you can now search for a worker in the global search box by typing the worker’s Legal Name or Name.
- We can now end non-completed engagements (Pending I-9 and Employer Review status) immediately, even if the original Anticipated Start Date is a future date. When ending non-completed engagements, the “Last day worked” cannot be a future date. The user will receive a warning message.
- When a worker updates their Name on their talent profile, the Primary Account Manager will receive an email notification so they can update the worker’s Name in other systems.
- For one client company, once a tracked worker status is Engagement Ended, their company users can no longer update the engagement status into the other tracked worker statuses.
- On the Orders Kendo grid, Hiring Managers and Team Members (HM/TM) listed as approvers for an order will now have visibility to that order regardless of department, location and “Reports To visibility control” restrictions so they can review and approve the order. On the order details page, all action items (edit, hold, close, delete, send payrolled offer, view candidates, view vendors, etc.) are removed if the HM/TM is only an approver and otherwise does not have permission to the order.
- Similarly, on the Engagements Kendo grid, HM/TM listed as approvers for an engagement (pay rate adjustment approval, engagement extension approval) will now have visibility to that engagement regardless of department, location and “Reports To visibility control” restrictions so they can review and approve the engagement. On the engagement pusher, all action items (edit, end, update engagement status, etc.) are removed if the approver is only an approver and otherwise does not have permission to the engagement.
- We’ve made updates on a few fields on the order creation forms to avoid confusions.
On the Create Order form:
-When the Worker’s Location is “US Domestic,” the Reporting Location field has been restricted to only show US locations on the drop-down list for both “Onsite” and “Remote” worksite options
-When the Worker’s Location is “International,” the Reporting Location field will only show international locations (non-US locations) on the drop-down list for both “Onsite” and “Remote” worksite options
-The currency on the Pay Rate field will match the Reporting Location country’s currency moving forward
On the Create Order & Send Offer form:
-Since the implied worker location is always US for US payrolled engagements, the Reporting Location field will only show US locations on the drop-down list for both “Onsite” and “Remote” worksite options
On the Approve Order form:
-The Reporting Location field will follow the same rules (“US Domestic” will only show US locations and “International” will only show non-US locations) for both “Onsite” and “Remote” worksite options
- For companies that have VMS functionality turned on, when creating an order from the Create Order form or from the Job Description pusher, the distribution channel will now consistently default to Payrolling.
- When editing an engagement, existing custom field values are now sticking and presented on the Edit Engagement form.
- If Skill or Position Last Used values have too many characters, we are restricting the number of characters displayed on the candidate’s skill section to prevent the values from spilling over into other columns.
- On the talent profile, we’ve removed the “Legal Name” label when the worker’s Legal Name is the same as the worker’s Name and when the talent has not completed onboarding yet (therefore there’s no Legal Name value).
- For engagements without an End Date, the Anticipated End Date and Time Left values should now display correctly on the Anticipated End Date dashboard widget.
- Company users and internal users will no longer see the talent profile completion progress bar when looking at a talent profile via Talent Pool Search. Only talent should see their progress bar.
- When creating an order, the Pay Rate is back to being editable in all cases, except when a company has the following settings:
-Should the Pay Rate be visible on Job Descriptions? Yes
-Should the Pay Rate be required? Yes
-Can the Pay Rate be overwritten? No - For vendor-sourced orders with a fixed bill rate, the correct pay rate and bill rate are now showing when resending an offer to a candidate.
- When completing a worker’s Form I-9 page 2, the instructions now include the document name(s).
- If talent has not added links/documents to showcase on their profile, we are no longer showing the Showcase section on the talent pusher, candidate view of the order details page, and talent pool search profile.